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Lyrica (pregabalin) je protiepileptický lék, také nazývaný anticonvulsant. Funguje tak, že zpomaluje impulsy v mozku, které vyvolávají záchvaty. Lyrica také ovlivňuje chemické látky v mozku, které odesílají signály bolesti napříč nervovou soutavou. L

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Stomatitis: if you have pain, redness, swelling or sores in your mouth. Hand-and-foot skin-reaction: if you have pain, swelling, and redness of hands and/or feet Fever or Infection: if you have a temperature of #°C or greater, or other signs of infec

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Generic Keftab (Cephalexin) - Antibiotika @

Keftab kills, fights and stops the growth of some bacteria in the body. This medicine is used to treat many kinds of infections

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Inflammation causes redness, swelling, tenderness and a tendency to bleed easily. Gingivitis makes the gum tissue look bright red or purple in color, swollen or puffy in size, and shiny in texture. The gums may bleed very easily when you brush or flo

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Zyrtec blocks histamine's action and makes the symptoms of an allergic reaction reduced.

Generic Allegra (Fexofenadine) - Alergie

Allegra is an antihistamine which used for treating seasonal allergy symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, itchy throat, or itchy, watery eyes. This medication works by counter the reactions which your body has to naturally occurring chemical histam

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Your mouth may get dry. Chewing sugarless gum or sucking hard candy, and drinking plenty of water will help. What side effects may I notice from this medicine? Side effects that you should report to your doctor or health care professional as soon as

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But red wine is the most seemly to justification the tearful allergic reaction: A peculiar group of protein allergen called LTP” is set in the skins of the grapes (silver wine is fermented without the grape skins)Itching is a dominant symptom in