Akademická činnost | Slavomil Fischer

The capex covers the modernisation and extension of existing gas pipelines, and will have a moderately positive effect on the company’s EBITDA through higher transportation and sales volumes and lower gas losses. We view the company’s financial polic

Leo Gym - Příspěvky | Facebook

leg extension machine The key muscles you’ll use in a leg extension are, of course, the quadriceps. They extend the knee, but they’re also essential for movement in the hips. The rectus femoris is a muscle in the quadriceps... that also flexes the hi

Projekt Forlǫg | Reenactment a věda

Some wings have a pointy tip and can be thus used as an extension of the harmful part of the spear while cutting, or they could had been provided support to additional blades that were attached to the spearhead, increasing the attack surface of the s

- Personální modul ekonomického systému Gerbera

Eyelash extensions - the process of lengthening and increasing the volume of natural eyelashes using artificial eyelashes. Eyelash extensions will make your eyes a charming, seductive look from classic to Hollywood volumes. Allowing flaunting long an

Třetí pohlaví | Pravý prostor

In certainty, three reasons are principally cited as to why comprehensive survival should be regarded as the gold standard endpoint: (1) as noted already, extension of animation is substantially accepted as reflecting aid as a service to the constant

Pavouci– Wikipedie

Pavouci (Araneae) jsoučlenovci se čtyřmi páry nohou a chelicerami (klepítky), do kterých ústí vývod jedových žláz. Jsou největším řádem pavoukovců s vysokou druhovou rozmanitostí. Pavouci se vyskytují na každém kontinentu kromě Antarktidy a téměř v k

6 Theoretical Part– VM2G – Vojtova metodika 2.generace

Model of basic force ratios in tibial-femoral region. ... of the spiral locomotion is what enables the musculoskeletal apparatus to essentially move the body and all other extension motor formations. Permanent centration of all joints of the musculos

MEDICAL TRIBUNE CZ>Nežádoucí účinky bisfosfonátů ...

Klinický důkaz o trvání účinku bisfosfonátů i po jejich vysazení poskytla studie FLEX (Fracture Intervention Trial Long‑term Extension), ve které byly postmenopauzální ženy po pětileté léčbě alendronátem randomizovány buď do skupiny, která pokračoval

Publikace 2018 -Ústav patologické fyziologie

PDEModelica1: a Modelica language extension for partial differential equations implemented in OpenModelica. International Journal of Modelling and Simulation . 2018, 38 (2), 128-137. ISSN 0228-6203.


Femoral artery pseudoaneurysm (PSA) is together with a haematoma the most frequent local complication of the cathete-rization procedure in the groin with the incidence of 0.1–5.5 %. The risk of unrecognized and untreated PSA is its extension and rupt